Friday, November 19, 2010

Bye bye Summer say hello to Winter

BYE-BYE Summer Clothes

I took out all my winter clothes and put summer clothes away in the boxes it's time to make sure yourself and family member warm.

There are so many things to do to get ready for it. Here are some of the things I have been doing.

1. Getting the items in the house ready for winter is a good idea
2. It is time to get out your winter clothing and have at least some of it available, have those washed and ready to put on.
3. Do you have an emergency kit in your car? such as a small flashlight, batteries stored separately in a Ziploc bag to prevent them from getting wet, matches, bottles of isopropyl alcohol and a make shift heater.
4. Do you have extra food and water at home?
5. What about prescription medicines? Many people have prescriptions that need to be renewed each month, I asked my family doctor for 6 months ha ha...I don't need to see a doctor for awhile.

Well you can't avoid it so be prepare and good luck everyone...

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